Hacking; a term people don't like to hear or be involved with. Hackers can not only damage important things that belong to other people, but they can take advantage of others without them even knowing it. You could go online to buy something, put your credit card number in-as asked, and then a week later get letters and phonecalls from your bank telling you tons and tons of money has been spent and you'd have no clue what was going on. This is terrible and certainly not helping the money issues going on in the world.
Hackers are extremely smart and trained people. They know exactly what they're doing, and they try their ultimate best to hide themselves and not get caught. Sadly, they usually get away with it. The police are trying their hardest to stop hackers from taking people's things and warning them that they will be in trouble if they're caught. But then they know: Don't get caught. They do everything in their power to cover up their tracks and leave no "fingerprints" that can link them to being found.
Computers are one of the main places this problem occurs. Buying and taking part in things online puts a lot of your information in the syber world for many, many people to see and discover. When they find all they can out about you, or how they can get a hold of money or an important file (whatever they're after) they basically go into your personal computer and take out what they want. This may sound minor compared to the many other issues going on in the world, and maybe it is. But I think that something should be done to stop these people other than a law saying, "If you're caught, you'll be procecuted." The authorities should do more and as much as they possibly can to help these people.
My friend's mom used her credit card number online for something, and a few weeks later she found out that tons of her money was spent and gone; but she didn't spend any of it. The bank tried tracing the buyer back, but of course the hacker found a way to hide it. The police did nothing, and the guy who took their money is still out there. All they found out was he was from Britain and he was untouchable. People like this need to be stopped. My friend's mom was given her money back by the state, but the person who took all of it is walking around with everything he bought and all of the cash he took.
It's a shame things like this happen every day. Something should be done.
Hackers are extremely smart and trained people. They know exactly what they're doing, and they try their ultimate best to hide themselves and not get caught. Sadly, they usually get away with it. The police are trying their hardest to stop hackers from taking people's things and warning them that they will be in trouble if they're caught. But then they know: Don't get caught. They do everything in their power to cover up their tracks and leave no "fingerprints" that can link them to being found.

Computers are one of the main places this problem occurs. Buying and taking part in things online puts a lot of your information in the syber world for many, many people to see and discover. When they find all they can out about you, or how they can get a hold of money or an important file (whatever they're after) they basically go into your personal computer and take out what they want. This may sound minor compared to the many other issues going on in the world, and maybe it is. But I think that something should be done to stop these people other than a law saying, "If you're caught, you'll be procecuted." The authorities should do more and as much as they possibly can to help these people.
My friend's mom used her credit card number online for something, and a few weeks later she found out that tons of her money was spent and gone; but she didn't spend any of it. The bank tried tracing the buyer back, but of course the hacker found a way to hide it. The police did nothing, and the guy who took their money is still out there. All they found out was he was from Britain and he was untouchable. People like this need to be stopped. My friend's mom was given her money back by the state, but the person who took all of it is walking around with everything he bought and all of the cash he took.
It's a shame things like this happen every day. Something should be done.
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