Friday, September 18, 2009

High School Now

High school is a step that has to be taken in life, no matter how much I wish I could be a little kid with no worries again. So far it's been a new experience and an interesting start. It's a whole new 'package'. New people, new school, new classes. Everything is different than when I was five and took naps in Kindergarden. No more cookies and crayons; at least, I don't think there are. There are a lot of new pressures and concepts. I realized from day one that it's time to grow up and plan ahead for my future... how fun. The classes-more or less-are go big or don't go at all.

Elementary and Middle school was definately a lot different then Stevenson. You could simply "forget" to do your homework one night, and usually the teacher would give you another day to do it, or cut you some slack and give half credit. Now most of my teachers don't accept late work. It's straight-forward; plain and simple: Do your work. That would be easy if so much wasn't going on. After school it's just as hectic and crowded as school itself. Sometimes it's really hard to get all of the work and extra things done. Some people have sports, clubs, and extra events that keeps them from being home long enough to do their homework. Others are lazy and decide to wait until last minute to finish it, then by the time they look at the clock it's, "Whoops, too bad." That nolonger applies to my life.

People are everywhere, all the time. I feel crowded and due to my amazing short-ness, I feel like I'm gonna get stepped on-sometimes that's the case. I've had to adjust myself to the billion kids stomping around and yelling. It can be hard; feeling alone, or on the outside looking into the "way it should be". My confidence can tend to be a problem when I compare myself to others who I feel are better than me. But I'm learning to make the best of what I have. Now I come to school with a little more confidence every day. I try my best to keep moving forward, and do my ultimate best.

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