Friday, October 16, 2009

Being Hungry In Class

I never have a chance to eat breakfast before school-what with my psycho bus driver showing up ten minutes early from what's considered showing up early-so I always know I'll be hungry during the day. First hour I'm usually fine, my stomach's usually numb and tired from when I wake up. But once second hour hits, my tum immediately starts rumbling. And of course it's not a little gurgle, it's a huge grrrrrawrrroar, and everyone around me stops writing and stares. I always try covering my traitor stomach with my arms, but it doesn't ever help. As if it would... And, as if by dumb luck, the growl ends up being a minute long. Perfect.

I just sit there, rolling my eyes until it decides to shut up, partially embarrassed. But what's the point? It happens to everyone from time to time. Just like someone letting out a fart or burp in the middle of a completely quiet hour of testing. Our bodies betray us at the worst times, don't they?

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