Friday, October 9, 2009

My Bus Driver's Nuts.

This morning I got on the bus, like I usually do, but it was early. Extremely early. It made me angry because my bus driver already drives too fast as it is, and we're always the first bus there anyway. Why did she have to be so early? It wasn't like we were going to be late. I followed the kids up the stairs, and took a seat towards the back. Of course, the second everyone was situated the lady zoomed us out and sped down the road.

My entire body was glued to the back of the seat and I couldn't move, she was going so fast. The next stop came up so quickly that she almost missed it. She slammed on the breaks and the other kids and I went forward and slammed back on the chair. As the other people coming from that stop got on, a car decided to drive past us eventhough the stop sign was in full view. Now, my mother and I tried doing that one time.... and there wasn't a pretty outcome. Bus drivers get MAD. As I expected, the driver laid on the horn. "Way to go, bub!" She screamed out the window. It was too early for me to laugh and I was way too annoyed.

As we approached our way to Stevenson, I noticed our bus lady was driving faster than usual. And she drove fast. It was scary. Six forty in the morning and we're dodging potholes at fifty miles an hour... wonderful. As we sped up to the main road, where we were to turn right to the school, a boy screamed, "POSSUM!" Our driver swerved left so fast kids were falling acrossed seats onto the other side of the bus. I didn't know if she was tired, or half-cracked on cold pills, but she was really getting on my nerves. People towards the front of the bus were laughing and cheering. Idiots..

"Sorry, guys." She said over the speaker. I rolled my eyes and got resituated. For once, I wanted to get to school--so I could get off the stupid bus. As if it wasn't already a terrible ride, she turned into the bus loop, hit the curb, and took the turn too fast. Once again, cheering and laughing. Personally, my head was throbbing. I lined up to get off of the bus and the bus driver smiled at me. "Have a good day!" All I said was, "Thanks for the ride."

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